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Be carefull if you use cheat, it will banned your character in online mode, and it will crash your PC or Laptop too.

Senin, 20 September 2010

Cheat Repack 2092010

Ini cheat credit dari N3
Fiture :
1. Wallshoot ( peluru tembus tembok )
2. Alt + Tab
3. missi major
4. ammo

Caranya :
1. extrax repack nya
2. buka repack nya
3. jalankan PB nya terus di start ( nanti repack akan suspend PB nya senditri )
4. Pilih cheat yg pengen ente aktifin ( disitu ada pilihannya) klik aja
5. kalo udah lo klik resume
6. PB nya udah jalan, udah deh happy cheating

nih cheat nya

no pass

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